Deliver Content >

Build a Course

Easily upload videos, build quizzes, and organize all your learning content with our drag and drop builder. Schedule lessons, and automate your content to curate a learning experience your students will love.

Design your Course Website

Beautifully showcase your courses and maximize sales with a fully customizable course website that's designed specifically to sell education. Quickly update one of our themes to match your style, or connect your courses to an existing site (and domain) for a seamless brand experience.

Run a Webinar

Using webinar is one of the best ways to engage with leads and move them down the sales funnel. Get access to highly adaptable webinar themes with an easy set-up process. Integrate streaming software - zoom and more. Track all the activities of each student, offer interactive chats, questions for better customer experience and sell during webinar with special selling blocks integrated.

Market and Sell >

Interact with your audience

Notify your students via email, messengers. Create a series of mailings and send them automatically one by one or create triggers that will send particular emails according to users’ activity.
Create professional-looking broadcasts, where your logo and the name of your subscribers will be inserted automatically. Send thousands of emails within your database in under a couple of hours. No other mailing tools are needed!

Process automation

Set up drag-and-drop processes in a visual constructor to create a long tail automation of sales funnel and administrative tasks.

End-to-end analytics

Check your website traffic and know how many visitors became your paying customers. Display the metrics you want to track on a dashboard. Analyze your financial performance in built-in analytics. Keep track of your earnings and get an accurate number of sales and pending payments.


Create an unlimited number of digital products and sell them to your customers with no price or quantity restrictions. Accept all credit cards, offer discounts to drive a sense of urgency and stimulate the selling process. Remember that all money you get, you will receive in your bank account minus a small commission to the payment gateway. No hidden fees for using the platform!

Customer Relationships >


When your students thrive, so does your business. Use our robust suite of CRM features including completion tracking, automated progress emails, course discussions, and all the information about your audience - in one place to ensure your students are happy and successful.


Connected customers spend more. Truly successful businesses invest in connecting with their customers. And you’ve worked hard to build real connections with your community. So why give your hard work away? Gather your students into your community on your terms, track their customer journey and offer additional products integrated into courses.

Use GetCourse to earn more

17 000+

course creators

10 crore+

courses taken

165+ countries           use GetCourse

$53.5 crore+

earned by our course creators

Link to this page location: #features

Art of living


Yoga and meditation

Number of students

45 crore people

Founded by Ravi Shankar 40 years ago, this yoga, meditation and healthy lifestyle academy expands in more than 156 countries now and has 10,000 centers all over the world. With the help of GetCourse platform the academy managed to sustain an annual growth of 23%.

Kalacheva school


Drawing and arts


Over 10 lakh USD

Number of students

More than 10 lakh people

This online drawing academy was founded in 2016. It represents more than 36 teachers all over the world sharing their skills on arts, craft and sketching both for kids and adults. The classes are available in four languages (English, German, Spanish, Russian). The project has become a huge success featuring over 10 lakh students from 30 countries and exceeding 90 crore INR in revenue, 2.5 crore is already been made from the beginning of 2022.

Fitness mama academy




Over 1.4 crore EUR

Number of students

3 lakh people

Owned by Ina Kishlaru, a Romanian fitness coach and motivator, this academy has helped over 3 lakh women to lose weight online. With a head office in the US and monthly subscription worth 49 EUR, the project has made a revenue of almost 1.4 crore EUR since its foundation and almost 15 lakh hits 2022. The most popular programs include belly fat challenge and marathon.

Pauline School




Almost 50 crore INR

Number of students

43 lakh people

This is the biggest online pastry academy in Europe for both professional and home cooks where you can learn to make more than 35 desserts from scratch! This project started in September 2019 and has already attracted almost 43 lakh students from all over the world. Within the past three years Pauline School has earned about 48.1 crore INR, 25 of which fall into the beginning of 2022.

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